For years I felt stuck in my job as a Recruiter. I liked helping people find a job that suited them, and it was not enough. I craved more. I wanted to have an even greater impact – though I had no clue how.
I had no way out, no way to pay my bills while also pursuing what I truly desired: working, on a deep level, to help people break through negative beliefs and the barriers holding them back.
I had previously been introduced to various alternative medicines. My first introduction was the most personal. In 2003 when my mother had surgery to remove an ovarian cyst the doctors found stage three cancer. They told her she had four years to live. My parents pursued conventional chemotherapy, which my mom favored, though my father explored – and introduced us to – numerous types of alternative medicines.
My mother died in 2007. In the end, the progress my mom experienced from alternative interventions could not hold. Chemo had destroyed her stomach. She lived four years after the diagnosis – exactly as long as the doctors told her she would. This confirmed for me the power of one’s mindset!
In 2017 I worked with a therapist who taught me that we are made up of energy and we give off certain vibrations. This sparked my interest, I wanted to know what I could do to increase my vibration, which led me to Binaural Beats. Nine months later, in 2018, I became a Certified Level II Reiki Practitioner. Within two months I was researching organic skincare and became a consultant with Neal’s Yard Remedies. These powerful modalities were steppingstones to where I was going.
In March 2020 I was laid off from my job due to Covid… a blessing in disguise. At that moment life seemed to come at me non-stop: weeks before I was laid off my best friend died, there was family trauma, children starting to homeschool during Covid times, and house hunting. My life felt unmanageable. In November 2020 I had started praying for clarity; clarity on how to utilize my deep desire to help others while serving my Higher Power. I started a Neuro-Linguistic Programming course that fall, but it was put on hold when my aunt died. The week I returned from her funeral my son was in the hospital for HSP, a rare inflammatory disease. During his stay in the hospital, my grandfather died, and a few days later I had a miscarriage. Life was throwing things at me left and right.
The recovery from my miscarriage was painful—some days I could barely move around the house. I was starting a charity organization for mothers going through a miscarriage when the words, “The Emotion Code” popped into my head, clear as day. Was this a book I had heard about? I looked it up, found it, and bought it. Apparently, I had been told about it during a phone call with someone who had provided meals for my family after my aunt’s death. When I started reading the book, I learned how unprocessed emotions become Trapped Emotions. I also learned how these trapped emotions can be released. This filled me with excitement – it spoke to my soul! It truly felt like the answer to my prayers, and I knew this was what I was meant to be doing. I signed up for the course immediately and LOVED doing the work with all my volunteers. I became a Certified Emotion Code Practitioner.
Through The Emotion Code®, I learned of Dr. Bradley Nelson’s second major modality: The Body Code™, a patented energy balancing system, intended to help uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in mind/body/spirit. I knew I needed to offer this as well and I soon became a Certified Body Code Practitioner.
My passion and desire to help others has become my own practice: Release & Realign Wellness LLC. I am grateful and honored to be doing this work.
and Profound Shifts
Before The Emotion Code® and The Body Code™, I was not the mom I thought I would be. I was easily triggered, feeling unheard, overwhelmed, and needing to control. Which led to anger. Which led to EXTREME anger. And lots of yelling. I felt defeated time and time again.
I was also a wife consumed with abandonment, overwhelm, resentment and anxiety each time my husband wanted to play ultimate frisbee Sunday afternoons. I was a wife who could not hug her husband when he was seeking comfort. I would cringe inside, wanting to get as far away as possible.
In April 2021, I started working on myself with The Emotion Code® – I was able to identify unprocessed trapped emotions of which I was not even aware I had: betrayal, abandonment, love unreceived, taken for granted, lack of control, fear, anxiety, worthlessness, and resentment all came up often. Sometimes after identifying the emotion, my conscious mind needed to know more, such as; the age of occurrence and who it was in relation to. I found that many of these trapped emotions occurred due to trauma from just nineteen months through age ten. I now have clarity regarding my childhood trauma, when before I was in the dark. I had blocked it all out. When I identified who the trauma was in relation to, it made so much sense AND I was grateful to know that it was not a blood relative!
Doing The Body Code™ work on myself, I have been able to release Physical-Emotional Shock and Physical Trauma over 100 times. Each time it has shown up in a session is one time I did not process the trauma/shock; in turn, they became trapped within. I uncovered that I had; idea intolerances, ill wills, and negative core beliefs in my Subconscious such as:
- “A will to please others” from nineteen months
- “A will to die and avoid connection” from nineteen months
- “No will to love self” from nineteen months
- “There is something wrong with me” from age three
- “I am a failure” from age five
- “No will to be vulnerable/open” from age five
- “I am nothing” from age six
As a non-verbal baby, I just went into my head – the only place I was able to go. My discoveries have helped me to understand why as an adult I would get so upset, become defensive, or shut down, build up walls, and get stuck. I now understand why it was so hard for me to share my feelings.
In doing the work on myself and releasing all that was not processed, I am finding that I am showing up to life in alignment with the person I desire to be. I am present for myself, my children, and my husband!
- Now when I get upset, I can readily acknowledge my emotions and dig deeper to understand what is beneath them and communicate sooner than I ever was able to before.
- Instead of getting upset with my children when they are not listening, I meet them where they are. I work with them to understand what’s going on.
- I now am at peace when my husband goes to play ultimate frisbee. I now open my arms and offer him hugs when I see he desires comfort.
No longer am I consumed by anger, overwhelm, and anxiety. No longer am I yelling, blaming, or shaming. I no longer desire control. My kids tell me I am so much nicer! My husband tells me he is amazed by my healing and growth.
Are you a woman that survived childhood trauma? Are you Interested in Energy Healing? Do you often feel one or more of the following?
- Triggered by your children or spouse/partner, and you desire to be present
- Stuck in your personal or professional life and you are ready to break through what is holding you back
- As if you are not enough; struggling with loving yourself or doing self-care; desiring to finally love and accept yourself just as you are
If you answered yes…I would love to help you release your trauma and realign with your higher self.